O the Church, where have you gone astray? The church in culture, the church outside of culture, the church transforming culture, but the culture transforming the church? If we take an honest look around us, the church is becoming increasingly secular. Jesus consistently spoke of the kingdom of God having a completely different value structure than the culture that surrounds it. There are touchstones certainly, certain moments where the desires of God run vaguely parallel with the desires of the world. But those moments are rare. We live in a fallen world, a world which we cannot expect to align itself with God's purposes. Yet increasingly our churches take their cues from the culture at large in every facet of life. Sexuality, money, power, structure all have given over to what the world thinks is best. Whether you call it progressive, inclusive, or enlightened, the idea is the same--the church should bow to the values of our culture.
Since the church's values now so easily intertwine with (at least American) culture, what is the point of being a Christian? is the church really just another social organization designed to meet the physical needs of humanity? Or is the church meant to be the agent of God in the world--filled with people who have given up everything they hold dear to follow after the man from Galilee? We are in danger of creating a Christianity in which people have no need for repentance.
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