Sunday, July 1, 2012

The Government's Role in Society

On the right side of the political spectrum, we have people saying that it is not the government's job to provide for the poor.  On the left side we have people saying that we need to take care of those who cannot take care of themselves.  These are not opposing positions.  For anyone on the right to speak in such terms, they must add without any pause whatsoever that they themselves will be the ones responsible.  For those of us in the church, it is us who are charged with the care of the poor, orphans, and widows.  No, for my part I do not believe it is the government's role to take care of people.  I believe it is my job as a follower of Christ to take care of my neighbor, whether they be next door or in the next town, or the next country.  No, I cannot do it on my own, but I am just one member of a larger body.  It is this body that is charged with spreading the kingdom of God throughout the world in word and deed.  It is not even on the lowest realms of our agenda to promote our own wealth.  In fact, to do so is to deny our savior.